This is my favorite of the bunch (darn the hazy sky, though).
At Seasons of the Vine, in CA Adventure. Right now, I'm enamored of playing with the aperture in order to blur backgrounds and such. It's also very much hit and miss right now, but using the zoom lens seems to be a quick shortcut.
Yes, Patrick, putting your hand up will stop the giant wave of water about to crash on your head.
The full album can be found
In other news, Aide T was out today. We (or at least I) knew that.
So when Male Aide J walks in (the space cadet one) and says, "I'm here for Aide J," I stared at him for a minute.
"You're here for...who, now?"
"Aide J."
"No way. Are you sure?"
So I call the office and they confirm that, yes, he's there for Aide J.
A few minutes later, who walks up to the door but Sub Aide C, who has the unfortunate tendency to annoy many students just by her very existence.
"I'm here for Aide T," she said.
Good, I thought, because if you said you were here for Aide S, I was gonna go home.
We actually...survived okay. I plopped myself down with Elastigirl on one side and M on the other. Aide S sat with M on one side and Superhero on the other. Essentially, I had Elastigirl, she had Superhero, and we shared M.
Mr. Voice had a happy morning because he got breaks unless one of the two of us (who have been
DT trained) was available to work with him.
Space Cadet I sat with Princess and Sleeping Beauty, because C tends to set off both of them, and after the Sleeping Beauty Incident on Friday, that was the last thing I wanted.
So I put C with Angel, PH, and Bulldozer. It was...interesting.
But, we did make it, with some reshuffling of lunches (the last thing I could do was News-2-You, which tends to be a troublesome time anyway, without ANYbody who knew either the kids or how to do News-2-You). Funnily enough, we began with the familiar refrain from last year: "Aide S, do you want Elastigirl or everybody else?"
Today, she took Elastigirl.
Anyway, that's the fourth or fifth time that Aide J has managed to be absent on a day when someone else was going to be out too. Hmph.
And yet, that's not even part...of the day. I'm getting another new boy -- this one has multiple disabilities (no worries), hemiplegia (also no worries), and seizures (some worries).
Why some worries? Apparently, noise level can be a trigger for them.
Err...y'all who made this decision (namely, Program Specialist SBS)...have y'all heard Mr. Voice lately?
Then, I spent 20 minutes arguing with my printer for printing blank pages, when it was a teeeny, tiny Boardmaker margin error where it really thought there was another page that happened to be blank.
Happy Monday!