Saturday, January 31, 2009

Good Thoughts Needed

I found out on Thursday after our professional development class that...hmm...I don't know if he ever had a blog nickname, so I'll call him Monster Truck Boy, is having more medical problems.

Monster Truck Boy has a rare genetic illness that has resulted in 3 bone marrow transplants, the last of which came after his fourth grade year.  He had something like a 10% chance of surviving that one; because of that, I used to tell his mom that he must be a cat, and was simply beginning his fourth of nine lives.

Monster Truck Boy had been complaining of pains in his leg, and an x-ray showed something on the bone.  Teacher M, who has been getting texted updates this weekend, says that the current theory -- because his blood work is actually okay -- is that he perhaps has stress fractures.

Given that the boy's had chemo several times in his life and is on all sorts of medication -- who knows...maybe he'll be lucky (relatively speaking) and simply have developed osteoporosis instead of anything more scary.

Monster Truck Boy had a rough start in school, but he and I clicked from the second day I was his teacher (the first day I was his teacher was the first day of summer school, and his birthday, and he DID NOT want to be there), and he'll always have a special place in my heart, so if anyone could send good thoughts his way, I'd appreciate it.

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