Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More Teaching Randomness

1. Home Teaching A will be going to middle school after all. I think this is a good choice for him because he's already a year older than his classmates (he must have been held back a year, or delayed beginning school due to his illness) and he would have been with kids 2 years younger than him if he stayed at our school.

2. This means E. will lose her chair. Good thing I bought the flourescent pink shirt.

3. The classroom is immaculate. This will last exactly 5 minutes, until the Hurricane Children blow through.

4. Homework is stapled and ready to go for next week -- but it may need modifications, depending on what A can really do (we all know IEPs lie sometimes).

5. R's mom ran into someone who badmouthed my classroom, and defended me. Yay. :-)

Erm. This should be obvious, but I mean the R. who is still here, not the R. who went to middle school -- 'cause, her defend me? Yeah, right.

6. R's mom is cool with him using some sort of assistive/augmentative communication. Speech-D will no doubt hem, haw, stall, and act like I'm crazy 'cause he can talk. Personally, I'd rather he use a device than spit on me out of frustration, but heck, maybe I'm just nuts.

7. My wrists hurt. I know I said that yesterday, but please allow me one whine.

8. I forgot to buy something for lunch tomorrow.

9. I need more word sized labels. By the time I get to Walmart, I will accidentally buy number-sized labels, just like the last 2 times I attempted that task.

10. Half of my word wall is still missing, but I found my cursive alphabet.

11. I got the kids' computers set up, and even convinced the touch screen to work with headphones for the first time.

12. I don't want to come up with answers to News-2-You's think page questions, hence the pointless blog post.

Note to self: (I can't email from this computer) E-mail M and tell her about the 25-user News-2-You license the middle school teacher at S. wrangled from the district. For that matter, email N at the other middle school too.

1 comment:

Lady Hermione said...

At least you are prepped. I ran to Oak Park. Then back home, got the girlie and headed back to HIDE the mess, figure out what I need tomake on boardmaker and a quick trip to Target. After the Ks leave tomorrow, Pudge and I will work on cleaning it. He stays to 1st grade dismissal. I am delighted to have some quality teaching time with him...