Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Science Dilemma

One piece of fallout from the whole Aide S versus Superhero situation is that Superhero has been having a hard time in science class. Granted, it's probably not what I would have chosen as an mainstreaming activity for him, but since Teacher JT volunteered it at his IEP, it's what we gotta do.

Superhero likes science. Once, when Aide S brought him back from science, he pulled her towards the door and wanted to go back. The problem is that my choices for sending him to science are:

Aide D. If she ever came. Which she hasn't all this week except for Tuesday. Plus, not so good with the Superhero, or anyone, really, except for Boy J and the Angel. She was good with J, R, and A last year.

Aide J. Leaving me with E. Or, y'know, putting Aide S or Aide D with E. Aide S would but would get scratched to death in the process. Aide D would quit on the spot.


And Aide S. Hence the dilemma.

Anyhow, he had a very hard day in science on Tuesday, which surprises me not at all as he had to listen to over an hour of The Bulldozer wailing, even though they had a break and read Charlie outside, while the Bulldozer wailed at me.

So, I spent the last couple of days making several active things for him to do during science -- kinda like what I do for E during News-2-You. I gave him letter matching and copying and spelling all relating to the scientific method -- which I hope is what they're still doing, so that his separate/modified work is on the same topic, but no one has actually told me what is going on in science, and it's a measure of my distraction that I never thought to ask.

Anyhow, he has nearly 15 pages of work. Let's hope this works.

Meanwhile, I told the science teacher B that she was more than welcome to ask R to step outside until he can be quiet. My inclination is that since he wants to be there, a few times of that will be enough to shut the kid up. ;-) The only hitch in the plan would be if Aide S harped on him continually -- don't worry, I'm telling her not to do that, but if she's still PMSing....

Meanwhile, Aide K's profound comment of the day, in response to my aide hint that I put on the wall was:

"Okay, so...I don't is eye contact attention?"

My brain stuttered, and I (in yet another display of oratorical brilliance, thus proving why I prefer to communicate in writing) said, "Because it's attention."

(Which, duh, it is. You're looking at the child, in the child's eyes, focusing your visual attention on the -- oh, never mind. I'm sure you all get it.)

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